2019 - 2020

  Apocalypse Now: The End of the World in Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts                             
Renana BartalMexico - Arts2001000-1400 Sem  1
University credit hours:  4.0

Course description

This course will focus on the illuminations of the book of Revelation (the Apocalypse) from the Carolingian period until the end of fifteenth century. John’s Apocalypse is written in enigmatic and mysterious language. During the middle ages it was illuminated with long cycles of images that elucidated the text and allowed viewers to visualize John’s heavenly visions. We shall focus on central Apocalyptic images that had a lasting influence on western culture such as the Whore of Babylon, Antichrist and the Heavenly Jerusalem. We will examine the relationship of these illuminated codices to perceptions of vision and eschatology, place each book in its historical context and consider how the various illuminated cycles express contemporary notions about the end of time.

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