2019 - 2020

  Learning, Teaching and Technology in the Knowledge Society                                           
Alona BaruchSharett - Educational Sciences006Tue1600-1800 Sem  1
Sharett - Educational Sciences006Tue1600-1800 Sem  2
University credit hours:  4.0

Course description

The course aims to supply a comprehensive overview of the multiple ways technology is harnessed in support of learning and teaching processes in light of the new literacies in the information era. The course’s contents pertain to four main foci: (a) learning processes supported by technology; (b) teaching (pedagogies) supported by technology; (c) the development path of information and knowledge technologies; (d) implementation space for educational technologies. All these will be examined concurrently with the relevant new skills, competencies and literacies required in a new technology-saturated era of ubiquitous learning.

Over the course all topics are discussed with reference and linkage to all foci, at two main levels: theory and research as well as development and implementation.

Among the course’s topics are: New literacies in the information era; The evolution of theories of learning and teaching and the development of educational technologies vis-a-vis these theories; Key characteristics of the “knowledge society” and their impact on the development of educational technologies; Research on teaching and learning with technology; The implementation space of educational technology: formal and informal settings, professional training, lifelong learning; Technologies designed from scratch within education and technologies imported (and adapted) from other realms into education; The educational technology industry: entrepreneurship and systems already implemented; R&D policies for educational technology

In addition to the discussions in class, the course includes: Compulsory tasks: readings, papers writing, making and implementation tasks; Guest lectures and encounters with people working on educational technology policy making, R&D, and implementation in Israel.

accessibility declaration

tel aviv university