2018 - 2019

  Soul and Emotions in Ancient Greek Philosophy                                                        
Sharon Weisser Sem  2
University credit hours:  4.0

Course description

The seminar aims mainly at developing the students' ability to clearly formulate a research question and to improve their academic writing skills. To this end, the students shall submit several writings assignments during the semester revolving around defining the topic of the paper (on the soul and emotions in ancient philosophy), finding the sources and secondary material, presenting the structure of the main argument, etc. The writing assignments include 1. bibliography and sources 2. summaries of secondary materials and sources 3. presentation of the research question 4. presentation of the plan and structure of paper and finally 5. the final paper. In addition to the first group meeting, in which attendance is mandatory, the course will be conducted in the format of individual tutorials. The grade will be based on the writing assignments as well as on the individual meetings.

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