2017 - 2018

  The Politics of the Euro Crisis                                                                      
Tal SadehNaftali - Social Sciences2051300-1600 Sem  1
University credit hours:  3.0

Course description
The process of monetary integration in Europe started in the 1960s and featured achievements and crises. In the 1990s conditions matured for the lauch of the Euro - a single currency for member states of the European Union (EU). The Euro bloc is unique compared with other currency unions among sovereign states, because of its size and complexity. In its first dacade the bloc seemed to be successful, converging the living stadards among its member states, protecting them from financial shocks, and containing the rise of unified Germany as the leading EU member states. However, since 2010 the Euro bloc finds it difficult to resolve its multiple problems: a sovereign debt crisis, a banking crisis, slow growth, difficulties in economic reform, and deepening political rifts among the member states. This course analyzes the politics of the crisis through a few major perspectives, such as the Inter-Governmental approach, the Neo-Functionalist approach, the Constructivist approach and the Economic approach. Is it possible that in the next few years some member states would leave the bloc? What can be done politically to resolve the crisis, and what are its implications for the future of the entire Eruropean Union?

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