2016 - 2017

  Writing the Father's Tongue: Immigrants Writing in a Foreign Language                                
Smadar ShiffmanGilman-humanities261Mon1600-1800 Sem  1
Gilman-humanities261Wed1600-1800 Sem  1
University credit hours:  4.0

Course description

The seminar will focus on immigrants, who chose to write prose fiction in a language they immigrated to. Choosing to write in a language not one's own turns a writer into an intimate stranger, or, perhaps, into an observer keeping his or her distance even in the most intimate of moments. We'll try to describe the effects of this choice on the writers' language uses, plot and character preferences, and political stances. We'll inquire to what an extent is such literature necessarily a "minor literature".

We will read works written by writers who chose the "adopted" language, like Joseph Conrad or Lea Goldberg, and confront them with works written by writers whose fate pushed them towards the foreign language, like Nabokov or Appelfeld. We'll inquire whether choice or compulsion influence the degree of estrangement.

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