2016 - 2017

  Martyrdom in Medieval Jewish Society                                                                 
Prof. Simha GoldinCarter202Mon1400-1600 Sem  2
Rosenberg - Jewish Studies106Mon1400-1600 Sem  2
University credit hours:  4.0

Course description
Martyrdom in Medieval Jewish Society
This course will examine the Jewish practice of “Mavet al Kiddush HaShem” (martyrdom in sanctification of God’s name), identifying and analyzing its characteristics during different historical periods. This custom will be considered from a multitude of perspectives: the connection between the Christian practice of martyrdom and the similarities and differences between the two societies; the attitude of the Halacha to the phenomenon; the transmission of meaning and morals within the Jewish society as a means of shaping this behavior; and the creation of a collective memory in order to commemorate those who died, and the manner of their deaths. In the framework of the course, we will study numerous types of sources dealing with the phenomenon, from Midrashic commentaries to historical writings, from prose, poetry and prayers to Halachic materials.

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