2015 - 2016

  Simone De Beauvoir: Philosopher, Essayist and Author                                                 
Dina HaruviGilman-humanities281Tue1200-1400 Sem  1
University credit hours:  2.0

Course description
Simone de Beauvoir: Philosopher, Essayist, Writer

Simone de Beauvoir’s writings are inaugural texts in the development of the feminist thinking of the twentieth century, and her work – The Second Sex – constitutes a cornerstone of modern and liberal feminism.
Apart from her intellectual influence, her intellectual influence, the way she chose to live her life, her ideas and her ideals, as well as the couple she formed with Sartre made her a model and an icon for women.
During the course, we will discover various genres of her writing, while trying to find out the relations between her theoretical and philosophical positions basing ourselves on the numerous critiques of her writing over the years.

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