2017 - 2018

  Social Political and Environmental Issues in Planning                                                
Talia MargalithClassrooms - Dan David201Sun0900-1200 Sem  1
University credit hours:  3.0

Course description

This social involvement course is engaged with questions of democracy in spatial planning, and includes theoretical learning, guest lectures and group researching. The focus is a new application now developed by social activists, for on-line mapping of planning schemes as well as urban mobilizations and objections to such schemes in Israeli cities. To support this app- we will learn several different concepts of justice, dealing with fair social and environmental distribution, with the ethics of democratic procedures and with recognition in complex societies. We will connect these thesis to questions of participation and partnership, centrality and marginality, and to the new prospects brought by the new modes of on- line mapping. In the group research we will probe Israeli urban planning and support such mapping by collecting and analyzing data from several Israeli cities. The choice of cities will represent the variety of socio-spatial, ethnic, size and locations in Israel, and each group will research one city by exploring existing studies, and by surveying the current planning events. To sum- the groups will present their findings and we will be able to compare the cities and upload meaningful information on- line.

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