2016 - 2017

  The Cinema of Wes Anderson                                                                           
Henry UngerMexico - Arts206à1600-1800 Sem  1
University credit hours:  2.0

Course description

Wes Anderson, being symptomatically accused of "mannerism" is, undoubtedly one of the most original innovators of cinematic language in film history and a perfectionist of extremely functionalist style. His completely polished stylization and hyper-formalistic visual imagery serves him to create a hermetic cosmos in which any and every slice of textual fragments connects to comprehensive areas of the textual whole, producing, by this texturalization a new concept of semiotic multy-layered fabric. All these mechanisms and tactics are used in an effort to pose some acute problems of value-instability and materialistic nihilism characteristic of  contemporaary culture and morals. This course intends to explore the rhetorical strategies used by Anderson in the above mentioned style, mainly in three of his works - "Rushmore" (1998), "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou" (2004) and "The Darjeeling Limited" (2007).

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