2017 - 2018

  Utopia/ Dystopia: Speculative Models of Society in Science F                                         
Erez DvoraMexico - Arts206à1000-1200 Sem  2
University credit hours:  2.0

Course description

The Science fiction cinema has a particular ability to engage the viewers with a sensing of alternative models of society. In this course we'll examine the tension between the utopian Ideal and the dystopia that is actually created in major cinematic and TV texts. The models we'll encounter reflect the aspirations and anxieties of the time and place in which they were created. From this perspective it is clear those images have cultural and political function that merits our reflection.

We will focus on three areas:

1. between the two world wars

2. From the social and cultural upheavals of the late 60's up till the   Conservatism of the Reagan era.

3. The decade the follows 11.9

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