2016 - 2017

  Film and Social Class                                                                                
Itay HarlapKIKOINE002Tue1000-1400 Sem  1
University credit hours:  4.0

Course description
The word “television,” as its name (tele = at a distance, vision = sight) implies the promise of showing that which takes place far away, or more precisely – of showing now that which takes place in another place. And indeed, from its inception, television has dealt with – and affected – two principal dimensions of human experience: time and space. To be sure, the simultaneity that television has promised, and to which it was compelled in its early days, has since radically transformed, as have other temporal aspects of the medium: broadcast times, viewing times and the times of audience response, the temporalities of televisual narratives and more. Spatial aspects of television have also altered considerably: the places depicted on television and the ones where it is viewed, the global space in which it is produced and distributed, and even the sizes of television screens – which in turn affect the nature of the spaces depicted on television. This seminar will examine the concepts of time and space in the context of television, focusing on the principal places occupied by television (the suburbs, the living room), the schedules dictated of enabled by television (from the restrictive schedule of broadcast television to what has come to be known as “binge watching”), and the portrayals of time and space on television.

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