2017 - 2018

  Sensuality, Composition and Authorship: an Interdisciplinary Study of Medieval M                     
Prof. Dorit TanayBuchmann-Mehta School of Music030Tue1400-1800 Sem  2
University credit hours:  4.0

Course description

What is a late medieval composition? What is the relation between citations and allusions on the one hand’ and original composition on the other? What is a late medieval author or composer and how he or she conceive his own authorial status and creativity? How does the dialectics between oral and written tradition affects mode of making music and literature? And what is the meaning and value of genre for late medieval composer and or author? To what extent does parody, spectacle and theatricality play a role in late medieval artistic imagination?

These set of questions will be explored via an interdisciplinary study of late medieval music and literature with special emphasis on the way both arts respond to the changing view of nature, of the senses and the sensible.

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