2017 - 2018

  Sexuality and Corporeality in Peter Paul Rubens' Oeuvre                                              
Sara BenningaMexico - Arts212Wed1200-1400 Sem  2
University credit hours:  2.0

Course description

During the 17th century, Peter Paul Rubens created a fleshy body type, known since then as one of his stylistic trademarks. The emphasis on the body's flesh is seen throughout his oeuvre, in his mythological paintings, the portraits of his wives and children and in his political allegories. It is closely related to the representation of sexuality. This course will examine the link between flesh and sexuality in Rubens' oeuvre. We will look at the Italian and local influences on Rubens, and study his work in the larger context of the representation of sexuality and corporeality in northern European Baroque art. Through the paintings we will touch upon Rubens' working method, involving a large studio, as well as discuss questions of gender, social hierarchy and political tensions in Europe between the end of the 16th and mid 17th century.

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