2015 - 2016

  Rome and Judea: Center and Provinces in Roman Art                                                    
Matityahu FischerMexico - Arts206àMon1400-1600 Sem  2
University credit hours:  2.0

Course description

The core course "Rome and Judea" will examine the visual and artistic expression of the Hellenistic and Roman imperial networks while focusing on the relations between them and Judea. We will survey the principal developments in Hellenistic and Roman art and how they were manifested and interpreted in the building and artistic activity in Judea. This will also lead to a discussion of the clash of these two cultures and of its consequences. For example, Roman imperial attitudes toward the provinces were based on their pacification through the propagation of Roman culture, while using the provincial resources for the benefit of Rome. Nevertheless, the provinces in turn influenced Rome itself or sometimes clashed with the Roman imperial network.  


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