2016 - 2017

  From a beginning teacher to a professional                                                           
Eran TamirClassrooms - Dan David111Tue1400-1600 Sem  2
University credit hours:  2.0

Course description
The course will review the various factors that shape the professional development of teachers during their first years on the job. The aim is to provide students a space to share their experiences and develop understandings about their role as professional teachers in light of what they have been exposed to as interns at their schools and based on readings and perceptions regarding the professional development of teachers discussed at class. Among other things, we will discuss the following topics: the factors shaping teacher's decision to become teachers, stages in the professional development of teachers, the importance of school environment and professional culture, the importance of mentoring, the significant role of the school administration, and the challenge of improving teacher recruitment retention and overall quality.

accessibility declaration

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