2019 - 2020

  Psychoanalysis and Contemporary French Philosophy                                                    
Aim Deuelle LuskiGilman-humanities326Mon1400-1600 Sem  2
University credit hours:  2.0

Course description

At the beginning of this course, we will first outline the philosophy of Marx, Nietzsche and Freud, that shaped our thought in the second half of the twentieth century. Following their original thinking, we will recognize a number of new concepts they have formulated: materialism, alienation, instinct, impulse and unconsciousness, the ego, the eternal return and the desire for self. Then, we will get to know the philosophy of Sartre, Lacan and Levinas, who first formulated what we now know as "the philosophy of the other”, which we will discuss in detail. According to Sartre, only self-deception can make the existential situation bearable for man. The young philosophers - Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze, Kristeva and others - argue with the structuralists, and against Sartre, changed the whole understanding of the relationship between man and himself, between man and his immediate environment - society, communication and history, and between man and the machine-living new world. The post-structuralist, or postmodern philosophy, which will be discussed later in the course, where anti-Freudian, anti-Marxist, anti-Lacanian, and sometimes even anti-Nietzschean, and developed new ideas, a new kind of philosophy that does not recognize enlightenment and humanism, as a sacred leading principle, a revolution that will stand as the basis for all subsequent thought.

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