2014 - 2015

  Theories of photography in the digital age                                                           
Aim Deuelle LuskiGilman-humanities326Mon1200-1400 Sem  2
University credit hours:  2.0

Course description
Following Walter Benjamin, we will present in this course the theoretical background of the changes in the field of photography, between the analogical age and the digital time, characterized around questions/themes as: What is the new meaning of the "real" and "reality-photography" now?  What is the new ontology of the "decisive moment" in the time of digi-multiple-images? What is the meaning of the "archive", and the user/photographer as the "new archivists", with relations to the history of photography? Which kind of "subject-object" relations are being created with the use of the new net? What are the new linguistics and concepts of the thought, which has to understand the new role of photography within the social network, and the new forms of users of the new Medias? What are the political meaning and the new obligations of the photographer/user, with its relations to the mass-media, the global capitalism, when the "artist" is not the creator but the new (role of the) "user", which became the real "producer" of photography, and so on.
In this course we will get to know some of the central new theoretical figures that are writing and thinking now on those  subject, about the problems of control/anarchy, capitalism/communism, that are very important for our time.
Such as Vilem Flusser and Walter Benjamin, Jack Ranciere, Ariella Azoulai and Fridrich Kisler, Slavoi Zizek and Boris Groyce, and many others that are creating now a days the new philosophical and theoretical language of this new realm. 

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