2019 - 2020

  Introduction to Moral Philosophy                                                                     
Yair LevyGilman-humanities223Wed1200-1400 Sem  2
University credit hours:  2.0

Course description

The course will present the fundamental questions of moral philosophy and survey the central systematic approaches developed to address them. We shall explore themes from the three main sub-subdiscplines of ethics: metaethics (Is morality objective or is it a matter of personal taste or social convention? Does a moral judgment express one’s belief, preference, emotional response or what? And so on); normative ethics (Is some action morally right because its consequences are good, or because it discharges a moral duty, or again because a virtuous person tends to perform it?); and applied ethics (for instance, is it wrong to eat animals? What, if anything, justifies punishing criminals? Do we have a moral duty to give to the poor?)

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