2019 - 2020

  Basic Chemistry for Engineering                                                                      
Pavel LeidermanEngineering Studies - Classrooms103Wed0800-1000 Sem  1
University credit hours:  3.0

Course description
The atom: atomic spectrum, Bohr's concept of the hydrogen atom, particles and waves, the Schrödinger equation, orbitals, periodic table.
The molecule and the chemical bond: ionic bond, covalent bond, Lewis equation, dipole moments, molecular structures.
Atomic and molecular masses, quantity and concentration units, stoichiometry.
State of matters: gases, the Ideal Gas Equation, the kinetic theory of gases, liquids, vapor pressure, boiling, properties of liquids, solids and ionic crystals, solid-gas equilibrium.
Thermochemistry: Free energy and enthalpy, the Hess rule.
Chemical Equilibrium: equilibrium in chemical reactions, heterogeneous equilibrium, equilibrium in gaseous systems, Le Chatelier's Principle.
Electrochemistry: Electrolytes, acids and bases, salts, solubility product, reduction-oxidation processes, electrochemical cells, batteries and fuel cells.

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