2019 - 2020

  Spatial Decision Making with GIS                                                                     
Prof. Itzhak BenensonYad Avner - Geography232Tue1800-2000 Sem  2
University credit hours:  2.0

Course description
The course presents GIS-based methods of decision making together with the ArcGIS 10 tools used to implement these methods. Theoretical study of the methods is combined with extended practical exercises that illustrate GIS use in practice.
Course program:
1. Basic notions of decision-making theory
2. Raster GIS as the main tool for decision-making
3. Model Builder as a tool for representing parametric decision-making models
4. Single-Objective decision-making
5. Uncertainty in decision-making
6. Decision-making problems related to the DTM data and analysis (Viewshed, Watershed)
7. Multi-objective decision-making
8. Paper presentation

1. Malczewski J. (1999) GIS and Multicriteria Decision Analysis, Wiley, New York.
2. M.F. Goodchild, B.O. Parks, L.T. Steyaert (1993) Environmental Modeling with GIS, Oxford University Press, New York.

Scientific journals
1. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems.
2. International Journal of Geographical Information Systems.

Internet sites
http://cnrit.tamu.edu/rlem/textbook/textbook-fr.html - Textbook
http://www.fes.uwaterloo.ca/Tools/overview.html – DSS software advertisement with references

Introduction to GIS part 1, Introduction to GIS Part 2

Paper presentation: 20%
Participation in discussions during paper presentations: 10%
Exercises during the semester: 35%
Final exercise: 35%

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