2019 - 2020

  Mobility, Transport and Sustainability                                                               
David BurgYad Avner - Geography115Wed1200-1400 Sem  1
University credit hours:  2.0

Course description

Mobility, Transport and Sustainability

מרצה: ד"ר דוד בורג

היקף הקורס: 2 ש"ס

קבלת קהל: בתאום מראש

Transportation in the modern age has evolved causing a transformation of the economy while also impacting the environment in many ways. The advantages of reliable, robust, flexible and scalable mobility giving people unprecedented rapid and cheap accessibility are undisputed. However, they incur significant costs such as traffic, resource depletion (land and energy), pollution (noise, air and water) all affecting wellbeing, on multiple levels from the individual to the global. Numerous interventions are being developed to combat these problems with vehicle autonomy, alternative fuels, electric vehicles and taxation among others; all of which, of course, require policy innovations but, moreover, entail social and behavioral changes with unintended consequences.

This course will discuss contemporary issues of modern motor transportation systems from multiple perspectives – urban, suburban and intercity dynamics; infrastructure and population; individual and global; technology and policy. We will explore the main elements underlying the complex and interdependent processes of such dynamical systems and their interaction with economic and social determinants. Therefore, an emphasis will be placed on discussions based on various sources and techniques, as an integral part of the curriculum.

 דרישות הקורס

  • נוכחות
  • השתתפות פעילה
  • קריאת מקורות עפ"י הנחיות המרצה

הרכב ציון הקורס

  • תרגילים (30%)
  • עבודת רפרט (70%)

accessibility declaration

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