2019 - 2020

  Campus in Geology and Geophysics                                                                     
Prof. Shmuel Marco Sem  1
University credit hours:  4.0

Course description

The mapping course will develop an understanding of the principal field methods and of presenting geological and structural data, namely maps, cross sections and stereographic projections. We will also learn how to put local geological observations in the global and the plate tectonics contexts.

The course will include four days in which the students work in group of 3-4 in various types of geological mapping in increasing complexity. We start with a stack of inclined strata, then map a reclining syncline, a terrane with magmatic and metamorphic rocks, and outcrops of active faults.

A detailed report will be written in groups after each work day. 

On the last day we will hold an exam in which the students are assigned a geological problem in the field. The exam is individual.

The final grade is based on the reports and the individual exam grade.

accessibility declaration

tel aviv university