2015 - 2016

  Manufacturing Processes (1)                                                                          
Computer and Software Engineering1040800-1100 Sem  1
University credit hours:  3.0

Course description
Credit Points  : 3
Prerequisites: Int. to materials Science and Engineering; Engineering Graphics
 Kinetic and dynamic parameters, engraving machines and tools, drilling, gnawing (milling) and grinding materials, Tools for cutting the factors that influence the life-span of tools.
 Fixing the optimal chipping conditions (S.a V) and manufacturing times.
 Tolerances and the principles to determine them.
 Manufacturing methods, machines, other tools and factors for producing machine parts at high level and precision and surface quality.
 Manufacturing with machines by computerized control (CNC).
 Forms of productions: individual, serial, mass.
 Programming of technological processes in manufacturing chips

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