2019 - 2020

  Logic and Entrepreneurship                                                                           
Doron AvitalGilman-humanities326Wed1800-2000 Sem  2
University credit hours:  2.0

Course description


Any event that is considered entrepreneurship requires crushing the accepted patterns of thought, planning, and execution, as these forces the person into schematic procedures that limit his freedom of action. Entrepreneurship is an open thought and action, that calls for a bold and expansive reading of the intellectual and practical dimensions. The entrepreneur must challenge, lead, innovate in a way that gives room for past experiences and its patterns as a necessary reference point, but he is not being captive by them.

The course is designed for the CEO, the technological or social entrepreneur, the businessperson and the economist - as well as the young person who is imbued with a sense of magic and activism in the face of the story of successful entrepreneurs, leaders and heroes of the past. 


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