2018 - 2019

  Histories and Theories of Curating, II                                                               
Tamar Mayer005Wed1400-1600 Sem  1
University credit hours:  2.0

Course description

This course is a critical introduction to the history and theory of curating. It is composed out of a series of guest lectures that survey a wide variety of curatorial practices – museum curatorship, independent curatorship, digital curatorship, social curatorship, etc. The course includes dominant chapters in the history of Israeli art exhibitions (from Bezalel, through the opening of the Israeli museum, all the way to exhibitions by key contemporary curators, like Sara Breitberg-Semel, Sarit Shapira, et al.). Furthermore, this course addresses critical shifts that have taken place in contemporary curatorship, which no longer focuses on collections and objects alone. The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with curatorial processes: from the conceptualization of an exhibition, through research, exhibition planning, design, etc. 

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