2018 - 2019

  Advanced Latin                                                                                       
Abraham ArouettyGilman-humanities362àSun1200-1400 Sem  1
Gilman-humanities362àWed1200-1400 Sem  1
University credit hours:  4.0

Course description

Advanced Latin

This course forms a direct sequel to the beginner’s Latin course, the latter being a prerequisite to the former. Here students will complete their studies of Latin syntax and morphology and start reading continuous, unvarnished passages. The course reading will comprise selected chapters from the first book of Caesar’s Bellum Gallicum as well as Cornelius Nepos’ Life of Hannibal. The main aim is to develop an ability to confront Latin prose texts with confidence, proper use of commentaries and reference literature as well as sensitivity to the various nuances of Latin sentence structure and idiom.

The course will include regular homework tasks, quizzes and a comprehensive exam at the end of the semester.

accessibility declaration

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