2018 - 2019

  Children in the global economy                                                                       
Talia PeffermanGilman-humanities326Mon1400-1600 Sem  1
University credit hours:  2.0

Course description

Globalization means the intensification of economic, political and cultural interdependencies between various countries and societies. This process currently bares substantial direct and indirect repercussions over the lives of individuals around the world. Economic globalization, in which the production of goods, trade and consumption has been shifted from the local to the global arena, is one of the key drivers of globalization. Allegedly separated from economic life and market dynamics, children are particularly affected by changes in the global economy. The purpose of the course is to examine how the global flow of information, goods and people reshape economic interests, and through them, the lives and futures of children around the world, in developed and developing countries alike. For this purpose, the course examines both theoretical approaches to globalization as well as empirical findings about the lives of children focusing on the triad of labor, consumption and migration. Additionally, the course examines how through these sites western world perceptions concerning childhood are disseminated worldwide.

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