2018 - 2019

  Introduction to Social & Cutural History of the Middle East                                          
On BarakGilman-humanities282Tue1400-1600 Sem  2
University credit hours:  2.0

Course description

Social history or “history from below” presuppose we cannot reduce either the past or the present for that matter to a “House of Cards” narrative of intrigues, gossip or ideology of the political, economic or cultural elites. During the semester, we will examine different social and gender groups via a variety of scholarly perspectives, including history of the senses and emotions, history of science and technology, urban history and more, using a large spectrum of written, recorded, and photographed primary and secondary sources. We will ask how can social history not only reflect a wide array of voices and dispositions of actors in the past, but also serve as a public utility today.

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