2018 - 2019

  Algorithmic Game Theory                                                                              
Prof. Michal Feldman007Wed1400-1700 Sem  2
University credit hours:  3.0

Course description
Algorithmic Game Theory
Instructor: Prof. Michal Feldman
Time & Place: Wednesday, 2-5pm (place TBA)
Prerequisites: probability theory, algorithms, complexity
Tentative list of topics:
Introduction to algorithms and games
Two-player zero-sum games (Minmax theorem)
Regret minimization and correlated equilibrium
Nash equilibrium
            Mixed equilibrium and Nash theorem
Pure equilibrium
Equilibrium existence
Congestion games
Quality of equilibrium: price of anarchy and smoothness
Social choice and Mechanism Design
            Introduction to social choice
            Mechanism design without money (and approximation)
            Social welfare maximization (VCG)
            Combinatorial auctions
            Revenue maximization (optimal mechanisms)
Markets and pricing
            Walrasian equilibrium
            First and second welfare theorems
            Ascending price auctions
Course requirements and grading: 
Problem sets (possibly including grading)  
Final project (either a research project or a survey) – max 10 pages (possibly including presentation)
Scribe notes
Some references
    Roughgarden, An algorithmic game theory primer (2008) http://theory.stanford.edu/~tim/papers/tcs08.pdf
    Shoham, Communications of the ACM, Computer Science and Game Theory, http://robotics.stanford.edu/~shoham/www%20papers/CSGT-CACM080417.pdf
    Halpern. Computer science and game theory: a brief survey

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