2017 - 2018

  Eichmann's Men ? The formation and the activity of the murder apparatus                              
Roni StauberRosenberg - Jewish Studies0011200-1400 Sem  1
University credit hours:  2.0

Course description

Eichmann's Men – The formation and the activity of the murder apparatus

The purpose of course  is to examine the activities of the "desk murderers", officials of the "Machinery of Destruction" who played crucial role in the planning and the implementation of the "Final Solution". These were mostly officers of the Security Police of the SS who worked in Berlin and at various points throughout Europe. Close examination of their activities will allow us a thorough understanding of the evolvement of the murder apparatus and the dynamics of the "Final Solution",

including the complex ties of Eichmann men's with numerous departments of the German

bureaucracy  and collaborators all over Europe which participated in the planning and the execution of the Murder.

Course Requirements:  Class participation is compulsory, in-class final exam

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