2017 - 2018

  Medieval Hebrew Grammarians                                                                          
Raya HazonRosenberg - Jewish Studies102Sun1200-1400 Sem  2
University credit hours:  2.0

Course description

 Medieval Hebrew Grammarians 
The course examines the status of biblical Hebrew over its various periods: how it was perceived in the period of Second Temple, by the grammarians of the Middle Ages and in the period of enlightenment; and what the nature of the debate was in modern times, as Hebrew became a spoken language again. The course deals with issues such as: is Hebrew a “natural” language; the unique status of Hebrew as both secular and holy tongue; the affinity between Jewish religion and Hebrew language; the connection between Hebrew language and Hebrew alphabet and writing; the source of the Hebrew language; the magical power of language; the limits of language innovation; and the rebirth of Hebrew language and the battle over it’s shape and form. These issues and others are discussed based on texts and writings from the above mentioned periods.


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