2016 - 2017

  Urban Planning in an era of conflicts, violence and crime                                            
Tali HatukaYad Avner - Geography104Tue1000-1200 Sem  1
University credit hours:  2.0

Course description
Urban Planning in an era of conflicts, violence and crime

Many of the world’s cities are extremely dangerous. Violence-prone, corrupted by criminals, growing with shantytowns at the margins, these cities are increasing the fragility of states and consigning their populations to chronic insecurity. The course discusses the ways planning might deal with violence as means to restore or create effectively order through community-level activities, institutions, and spaces in which the perpetrators of violence are marginalized and perhaps even eliminated. The sections of the course includes: 1. Violence and Cities, historical perspectives; 2. Contemporary dilemmas and scale of violence; 3. Concepts and tools: surveillance, resilience and safe cities; 4. Future challenges and prospects: the role of the planner in contemporary violent city.

Requirements: reading and participation in classes (30%), paper submission (70%).

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