2016 - 2017

  Haskalah, Mission and Imperialism: 'Oriental' Jewry during the 19th century                          
Noah GerberCarter202Wed1000-1400 Sem  2
University credit hours:  4.0

Course description
Haskalah, Mission and Imperialism: 'Oriental' Jewry during the 19th century
This seminar will shed light on cultural contacts between European Jews and non-European Jews during the 'long nineteenth century'. The age of imperialism, the enhanced missionary presence in Muslim and in other Eastern lands during this period, and the inroads made by the Haskalah movement in these regions, will serve as the backdrop for our inquiry. More specifically our goal is to consider the native Jews of these regions as active agents of historical change. Going beyond the Near East and North Africa, our geographical scope will include Ethiopia, as well as British India.

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