2016 - 2017

  Arch of Prehistoric Cyprus                                                                           
Prof. Shlomo BunimovitzGilman-humanities326Tue1000-1200 Sem  1
University credit hours:  2.0

Course description

The course is an introduction to the archaeology of Cyprus from the first human arrival to the island (9th millennium BCE) to the Cypro-Archaic period (6th century BCE). It highlights a variety of issues (such as the initial colonization of the island; first agricultural societies; cultural transformations in the 3rd and 2nd millennia BCE; the island's urban revolution; Cyprus as a copper trade center; Greek colonization of the island; Iron Age kingdoms; Phoenicians in Cyprus, etc.) in order to emphasize the island's unique cultural development side by side of its role as cultural mediator in the eastern Mediterranean. 

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