2015 - 2016

  Immigration Regulation                                                                               
Moran SadeTrubowicz - Law2041600-1800 Sem  2
University credit hours:  2.0

Course description
Immigration Regulation
This course will focus on different aspects of immigration law and regulation leveraging comparative review mainly of Israel and the U.S. Our study will combine two different analytical perspectives – a positive perspective based on institutional and economic analysis and a normative perspective based on constitutional law theories and international human rights law. The combination of the different perspectives will allow us to acquire a deeper and more profound understanding of immigration law and its design in different legal systems. Discussed topics would include: state sovereignty and the doctrine of plenary power, host states’ obligations towards foreign individuals inside their territories and outside, bilateral and multi-national coordination around immigration issues, admission grounds and the design of screening mechanisms, the design of post-admission enforcement and monitoring mechanisms including detention and deportation, financial mechanisms and the criminal-immigration (‘crimmigraiton’) enforcement model as well as the distinction in regulatory treatment of short-term vs. long-term immigration and the issue of undocumented immigrants.

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