2014 - 2015

  Corporate Invsolvency                                                                                
Shai KeidarTrubowicz - Law304Wed1900-2030 Sem  2
University credit hours:  2.0

Course description
Corporate Insolvency - Mr Shai Keidar
Corporate insolvency number of procedures, scale and media publicity is on the rise. Amongst the latest examples are Hadassah Medical Center, Elbit Imaging, I.D.B Holdings Company, Africa- Israel Investments, Delek Real Estate, all of them faced (and some still face) insurmountable debts of billions of shekels. This phenomenon is also known in the wide world, e.g. Lehman Brothers chapter 11 case, which involved dealing with over 600 billion dollars of debts.
Corporate Insolvency enjoys the benefits of both academia and the practical world. This field of research includes aspects from large array of disciplines, such as law, economics, management, sociology and others. Moreover, corporate insolvency research and practice affects and are affected by a growing number of "participants" (both local as well as global), amongst these are shareholders, executives, employees, banks, costumers, bond holders, government institutions (tax authorities, official receiver, securities authority etc.), communities and more.
This course will focus on Israel's main corporate insolvency legal procedures, along with comparative insights from similar procedures in the Unites States and the United Kingdom. Amongst the topics that we will study in this course are: the different insolvency tests; elaborating on the main legal procedures, meaning liquidation, reorganization and receivership; the unified and diversified objectives of the different procedures, in light of the different insolvency theories; the various different principles and mechanisms, such as the secured debt, automatic stay, creditors meetings and voting, the different officers of the court; the last and comprehensive amendment to section 350 of Israel's corporate law; courts and the official receiver roles and duties. During the course we will review these and other topics while showing and implementing them on recent cases.

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