2019 - 2020

Half Semester-Second half
  Introduction to Social Businesses and Social Entrepreneurship                                        
Jackie RosenblumRecanati - Business Administration251Tue1845-2130 Sem  2
University credit hours:  2.0

Course description
1 Semester Unit

The domain of social change is no longer reserved for students of political sciences and development studies. Increasingly business graduates are recognized as possessing important skills that can drive social change. This new discipline is often referred to as Social Entrepreneurship. These social ventures are hybrid organizations exhibiting characteristics of both the for-profit and not-for-profit sector and need to demonstrate both a Return on Investment (ROI) and a Social Return on Investment (SROI). During the course we will learn about the development of the social enterprise sector in Israel and abroad, get to learn about innovative solutions to social issues, talk about the dilemmas facing social business, and discuss how to balance the social purpose and a business with core business objectives. We will also learn about innovative ways of financing for business that are not aimed to only maximize shareholders profit and explore various attitudes toward measurement and evaluation of the SROI that social enterprises create.

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