2018 - 2019

1231-3412   Pricing Policy                                                                                      
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University credit hours:  2.0

Course description

1  Semester Unit

Pricing presents managers with one of their most powerful levers for maximizing profits and shareholder value. However, this value often lies untapped within many organizations, with managers lacking a clear understanding of how to improve on historical pricing practices within their companies and industries. The objective of the course is to help students to address strategic and tactical pricing issues and to acquire the necessary confidence and skills to make superior pricing decisions across a range of professional contexts – as product managers, business unit managers, management consultants, entrepreneurs, financial analysts or M&A advisors. Pricing Strategy is a course orientated not only toward pure marketing but also general management. We will draw on a mixture of fields (economics, psychology, sociology, statistics, etc.) to describe approaches that are useful for pricing decisions.

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