2017 - 2018

  Urban Planning                                                                                       
Ravit HananelNaftali - Social Sciences2071200-1500 Sem  2
University credit hours:  3.0

Course description
The Israeli planning and construction policy has been receiving a growing amount of public attention in recent years. Issues such as the Cross-Israel Highway, the transfer of IKEA to Rishon LeZion and the construction of a “tent town” on the dunes of Nizanim for the Gush
Katif evacuees, which until recently have been the interest of a few professionals, are currently at the heart of public controversies, as well as being represented in the platforms of numerous political parties at the local and state level The understanding of these topics requires extensive introduction to the different systems involves, as well as familiarity with the different phases of the planning process. Knowledge of the above will give students the tools to analyze and evaluate land projects that are at the public eye. The course is divided into two parts. The first part will present the different theories regarding the planning process and its phases. The second part will focus on Israel and will include an introduction to the different planning institutions and processes in Israel. The second part will integrate guest lectures by planners and entrepreneurs from the public and private sectors who are currently involved with projects that are on the public agenda. For example, the CEO of Gazit-Glob, a
major construction company, will speak about the construction of commercial areas, the planner of Tel-Aviv county will speak about the IKEA issue, the entrepreneur behind the cross-Israeli highway will speak about it and more.

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tel aviv university