2019 - 2020

  Urban Design Studio                                                                                  
Prof. Sari KlausDe Botton - Architecture001âSun1600-1900 Sem  1
De Botton - Architecture001âWed1000-1500 Sem  1
University credit hours:  8.0

Course description

In the environments of the Studio, students will explore the city of Netanya: This will involve The examination of the existing situation as related to urban structure, images of the city and the functioning of the city. Also, dealing with conflict typical to different areas in the city, specifically those located within an urban fabric which is interrupted/disrupted, requiring “stitching together” and rejoining.

Later on, students will select (and justify their selection) a specific defined which will represent the issues identified for study in this studio such as issues of boundaries within a city, issues of rejoining the urban fabric etc


We will explore together ways and means for strengthening connections to the municipal system in terms of:

Day-to-day functioning and physical planning, rejoining the torn urban fabric.

connections to the center, coping with artificial boundaries, dealing with obstructions, fitting-in with the existing fabric while retaining valuable planning and physical values which ought to be preserved. We will also explore the definition of the identity of the neighborhood and quarter versus that of the city as a whole.


The program will deal with these subjects with a wide variety of tools. Conceptual ideas will be used as a basis from which the specific practical solutions will emerge and lead to results which will express the abilities, views and beliefs of each individual student.

These will evolve during the semester and include responses to issues which are not necessarily physical such as social, welfare and “spatial justice” issues.


The end result will be an expression of the process undergone by the individual students, in a clear and well justified form, presenting the results by using all available architectural tools and technics.

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