2018 - 2019

  Basic of Drawing                                                                                     
Eran WebberMexico - Arts210Sun0900-1400 Sem  1
University credit hours:  5.0

Course description

Basics of Drawing


In attempting to draw from life we must first acknowledge the unconscious tendency to use our eyes in selective and subjective ways. It is vital to overcome this by observing our subject without preconceptions. Only when these essentials of observation are understood, the student will be able to interpret reality to their will.


In this class we will learn through the practice of the basics of drawing, with an emphasis on technique and correct working habits. starting with breaking down the process of drawing in all its stages, from the preparatory to the finished drawing. 


We will choose when and in what order to put the emphasis on subjects such as: gesture, proportion, light and form, composition, perspective and more.

Class will combine theoretical study along with practical exercises, with regular guidance.  

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