2017 - 2018

  Research Seminar                                                                                     
Prof. Anat ZangerMexico - Arts1191000-1400 Sem  2
University credit hours:  4.0

Course description

Research Colloquium

Prof. Anat Zanger


The seminar is intended for graduate students (M.A. and PhD candidates) who plan to write a dissertation. The purpose of the seminar is to provide the appropriate tools for academic research writing and assist in the different stages of work (whether an M.A. thesis, article or PhD dissertation). The seminar will focus on the respective research works of each student and in coordination with their advisors. The course will include group meetings in which general feedback and guidance will be given, allowing the students to present their work as it progresses, as well as holding separate meetings with every student. The meetings will focus on the individual study of each student, from choice of topic, through research and organization of materials, enabling the writing process.

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