2017 - 2018

  Production and Distribution                                                                          
Katriel Schory Sem  2
University credit hours:  2.0

Course description

From the Idea to the Poster:

Films as a collective art form


1.       Forces of stories

2.       The Filmmaker constantly hunting for a good story

3.       Producing films as a collective effort heavily based on the talent of the creative team

4.       The role of the producer – different types of producers

5.       How to decide on a producer from a Director's point of view and how to decide on a Director / Project from a Producer's point of view.

6.       How to talk to film funders – how to talk them into your project

7.       A roadmap to potential financiers in Israel and abroad

8.       The art of co-productions

9.       Marketing & distribute your film in Israel and worldwide


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tel aviv university