2018 - 2019

  The Cinematic Narrative                                                                              
Gal RazMexico - Arts119àSun1200-1600 Sem  2
University credit hours:  4.0

Course description


Narrative is a human technique for organizing data in a structure with components that are linked by temporal, spatial, and causal relations. The narrative is also an efficient format for extracting information from the flux of rich sensory input. It allows for data condensation and transmission. Hence, it is subjected to cognitive and cultural constraints, which also shape it and are reflected by it. In relation to traditional narrative media – oral or printed – the cinematic narrative entails unique devices for organizing space, time, and causal relations.


The seminar will introduce basic concepts in narratology and review recent studies in the field. It will focus on cinematic narration and on various theoretical perspectives on this topic (structuralism, post-structuralism, cognitivism). The student’s seminar essay will address topics in film narratology (e.g., narrator reliability, non-linear narratives) in relation to specific films.




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