2017 - 2018

  Israeli Cinema - Exercise                                                                            
Matan NahaloniMexico - Arts120Wed1400-1600 Sem  2
University credit hours:  2.0

Course description

The aim of this class is to deepen and broaden the students’ familiarity with the history and academic research of Israeli cinema, providing critical tools in addition to those given in the introductory course. The class focuses on close reading and analysis of articles and films, exploring topics such as the Zionist master-narrative, army and war films, the inter-ethnic tension between Mizrahim and Ashkenazim, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the image of the woman. We will examine major cinematic genres and currents in Israeli cinema such as the nationalist-heroic genre, the modernist "new sensibility" films, the  Burekas genre,  women’s cinema, contemporary trauma cinema, as well as aesthetic forms and narrative structures that shape the complex representation of Israeli national identity.

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