2017 - 2018

  Production 2                                                                                         
Katriel SchoryMexico - Arts122áMon1200-1600 Sem  2
University credit hours:  3.0

Course description

The workshop will examine the complex relationship between the producer and the director and their mutual professional discourse. We will see how the producer initiates, and accompany the early stages of an idea for a film and until teh final stages of the creation of a movie or TV show. We will go through screenplay development, presentation to various funding sources, raising funds, the actual production, distribution and marketing of the film. During the year, there will be visits by key figures in the industry in the areas of filmmaking production. Screening of clips from movies, programs and  formats that are also relevant for the development or the relationship between the producer and the director and other staff members. Students will be required to implement the principles of the different fields in their final work. We shall also dedicate discussions around new media, the internet and crowd funding opportunities.

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