2014 - 2015

  Symphony Orchestra (D)                                                                               
Ronen Borshevsky Sem  1
Sem  2
Prof. Zeev Dorman Sem  1
Sem  2
Prof. Yoav Talmi Sem  1
Sem  2
University credit hours:  12.0

Course description
The Buchmann-Mehta School of Music Symphony Orchestra is designed to prepare students in the field of professional orchestral playing on the highest artistic level.
In the framework of the Orchestral Training Program, students master fundamental orchestral skills (preparation of parts, auditions, sectional and full orchestral rehearsals, performance) under guidance of principal players of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra and School of Music faculty.
During the course of study, the Orchestra works with conductor Prof. Zeev Dorman, Head of the School of Music, and with additional conductors. The Orchestra's program is conducted in 4-week projects, during which rehearsals take place twice a week. Each project culminates in a series of concerts. Between projects, a 1-week break provides students with an opportunity to prepare repertoire for upcoming projects.

accessibility declaration

tel aviv university