2019 - 2020

  Stage Movement for Singers                                                                           
Ari TeperbergBuchmann-Mehta School of Music042Sun1000-1200 Sem  2
University credit hours:  2.0

Course description

The course will include physical work and getting to know your body as a means of expression. The students will acquire basic technical tools for warming up the body and approaching movements, as well as tools for working with choreography and body-memory. During the semester the students will be exposed to inspirations from dance and from contemporary opera directors whose focus is movement. The students will explore different movement qualities with and without using their voice, and will allow the body and its movement in space to lead to voice and not vice versa. Within the walls of this workshop you are allowed to use half-voice and sing without thinking about technique.

In the final exercise the students will present an aria or scene whose directing they will develop during the semester.

accessibility declaration

tel aviv university