2015 - 2016

  Suffering and Redemption in Philosophy, Religion and Philoso                                         
Nehama VerbinWebb - School of Languages501Tue1200-1600 Sem  1
University credit hours:  4.0

Course description
The seminar is concerned with suffering as a religious and existential problem, with the sufferer's presuppositions that render suffering a problem, and with some of the ways in which it is defeated. We will examine the transformation of suffering into pain, the defeat of suffering through love, which does not abolish it or diminish its extent; we will also discuss the nature of resentment and forgiveness as responses to moral suffering, both in the religious and in the extra-religious context.

Credit for the seminar requires: 1) Participating in, at least, two thirds of the meetings. 2) Submitting 4 reviews. The length of each will consist of a single paragraph and they will not be marked; and 3) the submission of a written paper in the end of the seminar. Students who significantly contribute to the discussion will be awarded up to 5 extra points for their participation.

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