2014 - 2015

  The Mediterranean Shores of Israel                                                                   
Zvi RonYad Avner - Geography115Mon1600-1800 Sem  2
University credit hours:  2.0

Course description
In this course we will deal with the physical and human factors of the different landscape units comprising Israel's Mediterranean seashore: the shallow sea, the beach and the backshore.
We will study the reciprocal interrelations between geological factors, geomorphology, utilization of coastal resources, settlement factors, urban development, economy, culture and planning while emphasizing the turnaround in real estate values over the last fifty years that changed the seashore from a marginal to prestigious area.
We will discuss the competition in coastal land uses, the alternatives of choice and the effect of land use, planning and development on the design of the coastal strip as well as the effect of coastal development on beach width.
We will consider landslides and the retreat rate of the seashore's kurkar (limey sandstone) cliffs with a focus on the danger they pose to the population. We will also study the influence of development on the increase in hazards in addition to the methods by which these can be eliminated or reduced.
The course includes three days of excursions.

Attendance: 10%
Exam: 90%

accessibility declaration

tel aviv university